
Integrating ELL into Content Areas

Page history last edited by Tara Arntsen 8 years, 1 month ago


Integrating English Language Learning (ELL) into Content Areas








This five-week EVO session starting January 8, 2017 and ending February 12, 2017 introduces participants to the principles of content based instruction (CBI) and examines how to increasingly integrate English language learning into content courses in an EFL context. For example, by using statistics, graphs, charts, images, and other visually rich content in combination with explicit English vocabulary instruction, teachers in any content area from all over the world for whom English is not a native language can support the English language development of students. Although we will mainly focus on best practices for secondary and tertiary educators in Mexico, many of the basic principles will be transferable, and participants are encouraged to do research on and share their knowledge of CBI as it related to their local contexts. Together, we will reflect on our current practices when developing lesson plans, materials, and resources and explore the concept of CBI especially for contexts where neither teachers nor students speak English as a native language. Finally, we will develop and share CBI activities or lesson plans and both provide and reflect on constructive feedback. The session will be facilitated primarily through Edmodo.


Session Objectives


By the end of this session participants will have:

1)  Reflected on and discussed the concepts of content-based instruction (CBI)

2) Examined how incorporating English into content classes is beneficial for students (ex. greater academic and professional success)

3) Explore methods of integrating statistics, graphs, charts, images, and other visually rich content into various content courses

4) Developed a classroom activity around the principles of CBI, and shared an activity or lesson plan incorporating these ideas

 5) Provided feedback on other participants’ activities





Target audience


Teachers (K-12, higher education, adult education), online and traditional educators, developers of English language teaching materials in any content area (lesson plans, worksheets, websites, etc.)





Weekly Content


Before the session starts, participants can:

  1. Join Edmodo

  2. Preview Week 1 resources

  3. Reflect on what they know and want to know about content based instruction




Week 1   (Jan 8-14, 2017)


In Week 1, we will meet one another and discuss general concepts of content based instruction (CBI) and its benefits to students. Participants will:

  1. Become familiar with the Edmodo

  2. Introduce themselves on the Edmodo page

  3. Watch videos introducing and illustrating how English language can be integrated in content areas

  4. Research some information of CBI specific to their countries or teaching contexts

  5. Post responses to the videos and information researched or share any questions that have come up in their work

  6. Attend a Google Hangout on Air




Week 2  (Jan 15-21, 2017)


In Week 2, we will discuss how CBI applies to educators in an EFL context and explore best practices for implementation. Participants will:

  1. Share their reflections/questions about videos and readings

  2. Respond to others' questions and polls regarding CBI best practices

  3. Find and share some information and specific activities on CBI

  4. Attend a Google Hangout on Air to discuss how the concepts covered this week apply to their individual teaching context




Week 3   (Jan 22-28, 2017)


In Week 3, we willl continue to explore CBI best practices and begin to develop teaching materials that incorporate these principles. Participants will:

  1. Review basic vocabulary of statistics, graphs, charts, images, and other visually rich content like mean, mode, middle and range and how they can be used across the curriculum.

  2. Find and examine techniques like using graphic organizers, the experience approach, a dialogue journal, etc.

  3. Reflect on how to integrate these materials and vocabulary into their content area

  4. Start to develop an activity or lesson plan for their content area incorporating the concepts of CBI

  5. Post responses to the content and questions of the week




Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)


In Week 4, we will continue to explore CBI and continue to develop teaching materials based on these principles. Participants will:

  1. Continue to develop an activity or lesson plan for their content area incorporating the concepts of CBI

  2. Share their teaching materials on Edmodo

  3. Give feedback to other participants

  4. Attend a Google Hangout on Air to present materials and give feedback to




Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017)


In Week 5, participants will:

  1. Evaluate session

  2. Reflect on peer reviewed work

  3. Attend a Google Hangout on Air


Session Communication Tools


Google+, Edmodo


Potential Sponsors




Join this session




The action starts on Jan 8, 2017.


To join this group:      (edit this as required for your session)


From January 1st:


  1. Go to:
  2. Click on "Join this Group". 
  3. Wait for your membership approval.  






Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.


Name (last, first)

Email address

Location (country of residence)

Biodata (not more than 50 words)  






Arnsten, Tara



I'm the Academic English and ESL Program Director at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota and have a Master of Arts in TESOL from the University of Southern California. My primary research interests are communicative teaching methods and educational technology.  

Padilla, Luis Enrique luisepc55@gmail.com MEXICO I'm an Academic Teacher at Instituto Politécnico Nacional and The Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico, I have a Mechanical Engineer Degree from Instituto Politécnico Nacional and Master in Business Administration Degree.
Navarro, Gustavo gn95993@gmail.com MEXICO I'm an Academic Teacher in Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico and I have a Civil Engineer  Degree.

Ramirez, Josefina josefinava27@gmail.com                MEXICO  I'm an English Teacher at Universidad Tecnologica de Nezahualcoyotl. I have a Business Turistic Administration degree from IPN. I'm  interested in ELL in any content areas. I'm into developing English skills program.  


Primary Contact:


Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and  his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):


I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.



I agree. Tara Arntsen

I agree. Luis Enrique Padilla

I agree. Gustavo Navarro

I agree. Josefina Ramirez













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