ICT4ELT 2017

Designed by a seasoned team of long standing EVO moderators and participants, ICT4ELT (Information and Communication Technology for English Language Teachers) is a session for teachers who want to explore how computers and computer technology could be useful in their teaching but do not know where to start.
If you want to liven up your classroom with technology, come and join us!
Session Objectives
At the end of the 5 weeks, participants, collaboratively and hands on, will have...
- used various synchronous and asynchronous Web tools for learning and teaching EFL/ESL,
- interacted through e-mail, text chat, voice chat, voice and video mail, and distribution lists, among others,
- created wikis, blogs, podcasts and interactive exercises related to their own contexts,
- reflected on ways of applying those tools to their teaching, either online or face-to-face.
Target audience
EFL / ESL teachers and educators with little or no experience in teaching with computers and online web 2.0 tools. More experienced teachers and educators are welcome too as they can learn from the session's content as well as from the participants' discussions.
Weekly Content
Week 1 (Jan 8-14, 2017)
Getting to know each other and the cyber landscape
In this first week, participants will become familiar with session wiki, introduce themselves and get to know each other using a Google Community. They will post some information about themselves and complete an ice breaking activity using the Google Community. To collect more relevant data about participants, a Google form will be used. In addition to this hands-on approach, participants will also read texts that will help them become successful e-tutors and e-learners.
Week 2 (Jan 15-21, 2017)
Communication tools and Mobile learning .
In the second week of the session participants will explore audio, video, and chat communication tools. We will also take this opportunity to explore mobile learning connected with these tools. There will be synchronous and asynchronous text chat and voice interactions held by session moderators with participants throughout the week. For this kind of communication they will be using Skype. Other tools such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Instagram will be explored due to the potential they hold for communication and specifically, mobile learning. In addition, we will explore Padlet for sharing audio and video messages and Twitter as a means of curating the web and connecting to like-minded peers. There will be an online live session, where participants explore the use of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools in teaching.
Week 3 (Jan 22-28, 2017)
Presentation Tools, Blogs and Wikis.
In the third week we will have a look at different tools for processing photos or pictures and creating video-like presentations. We will use PhotoPeach, Animoto, Flickr and You Tube. In addition, a choice of optional multimedia tools for more advanced users will be provided, such as Slideshare, Capzles, Prezi or Sliderocket. Participants will use a selection of tried and tested multimedia tools. They will be able to make their multimedia creations visible online through blogs or wikis and share them with other participants.
Week 4 (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)
Interactive exercises and quizzes.
Participants will learn how to create their own interactive exercises and quizzes for the classroom and make them visible online. They will share their creations in their wikis or blogs. They will explore Edmodo and learn about quizzes and polls created there, and they will also have a chance to create their own quizzes and polls there.
Week 5 (Feb 5-11, 2017)
Cooperating online & wrap-up.
During the last week, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on how they may use the tools they have seen during these weeks in their classrooms. They are also invited to share contact information in order to find future partners and develop collaborative projects between classes. There will be a live session where participants become familiar with Webheads In Action (WIA) and how to share post-ICT4ELT work. By the end of this final week, participants will share their reflections on ICT4ELT, complete the EVO final survey and join the live "Graduation ceremony". Participants will be invited to join the WIA community of practice.
Session Communication Tools
Potential Sponsors
Join this session
The action starts on Jan 8, 2017.
Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.
Name (last, first)
Email address
Location (country of residence)
Biodata (not more than 50 words)
Picture |
Tawel, Ayat
Cairo, Egypt
I'm an EFL teacher with more than 15 years experience teaching different age groups and levels. I'm currently teaching adults and young learners at the British council in Egypt. My main interests are blended learning, using web 2.0 tools in teaching and enhancing creativity in the classroom.
Da Silva, José Antônio
Brasilia, Brazil
My name is Jose Antonio. I am an EFL teacher living in Brasilia, Brazil. I have been a co-moderator in EVO since 2008. In 2013, I was invited to be in the EVO Coordination Team. As such, it is always a pleasure to join the enthusiastic group of educators that register for EVO sessions every year. I have been teaching English for 25 years and I love what I do. In my classes, I always try to use ICT tools in a way that encourages students to use language meaningfully. As we prepare for the 2015 learning journey, I would like to welcome all the educators to join us this year.
Warm hugs from Brazil
Skype ID: joseantoniook
Yahoo ID: Joseaokc
Twitter: @joseantoniook
Obenausová, Světlana |
obenausova@gmail.com |
Olomouc, Czech Republic |
I live and work in Olomouc, a beautiful historical city. There is also a University, where I teach in the Department of English. One of the subjects I teach there is ICT4ELT. I try to inspire future teachers of English and show them ICT can really help them in their teaching.
I joined the EVO team many years ago. I will lead you through week 4, helping you with Edmodo quizzes and interactive online exercises.
Lima, Marcia |
Goiânia, Brazil |
Márcia has been involved in TEFL for over 26 years. She’s a proud iTDi associate, Webhead, Braz-TESOL Goiânia President, Google Leader and Cambridge examiner. Her passions include using social media to share and learn with other teachers around the world, teaching young learners and EdTech |
Blazic, Arjana |
msblazic@gmail.com |
Zagreb, Croatia |
English and German teacher, 2014-15 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow at Penn State University, education technology consultant, e-learning designer, eTwinning ambassador, coordinator of the Croatian Future Classroom, founder of award -winning projects, developer of online and onsite professional development training courses, international speaker and a passionate traveler.
Twitter: @abfromz
Bozinovic, Sanja |
msbozinovic@gmail.com |
Velika Gorica, Croatia |
I'm an English and Italian FL teacher, with 25 years of experience teaching pre-teens and teens, a fan of learning technologies and a believer in the power of international collaboration and fun in the EFL classroom. Moderating and participating in online professional development is one of my favourite activities when I am not in the classroom. |
Elizabeth Anne |
eannegrenoble@gmail.com |
France |
I've been teaching English to Scientists for the whole of my career. Joining EVO and taking my classes online revolutionized my teaching, and I'd like to pass that forward:-)
Twitter; @eannegrenoble
Skype: elizabeth.anne2
Primary Contact: José Antônio da Silva
Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):
I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.
I agree : Ayat Tawel
I agree : José Antônio da Silva
I agree: Světlana Obenausová
I agree: Sanja Bozinovic
I agree: Marcia Lima
I agree: Arjana Blazic
I agree: Elizabeth Anne
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