

Page history last edited by Charles Goodger 8 years, 2 months ago


Teaching EFL to Young Learners



Teaching EFL to Young Learners sessions will examine teaching English to Young Learners and Teens from around the world using storytelling, board games, action songs, and limited resource classroom activities. 



Session Objectives


By the end of this workshop, participants will have:


  • discussed challenges and activities involved in teaching EFL to young learners.

  • discussed methods of teaching young learners via storytelling; games; actions songs; arts & crafts.

  • created activities using storytelling; board games; action songs; arts & crafts.

  • created video tutorials to document work.  



Target audience


TEFL2YL is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and everyone involved in teaching young learners and teens irrespective of context or degree of experience. Participants will be expected to have the basic skills necessary to facilitate communication via an online discussion group.





Weekly Content




Week 1  (Jan 8-14, 2017) 


During week 1 of the course, participants will


  • get acquainted with the other members

  • get acquainted with the video tutorial tools

  • get acquainted with the editor and learn to use PoodLL 
  • brainstorm and discuss topical issues of concern in teaching EFL to young learners around the world



Week 2  (Jan 15-21, 2017) Storytelling with Nellie Deutsch



During week 2 of the course, participants will:


  • read research articles on storytelling as a way for young learners to learn English language skills 

  • discuss storytelling in the YL classroom 

  • consider the benefits and challenges involved in using storytelling in the classroom

  • create activities that involving storytelling



Week 3   (Jan 22-28, 2017) Board Games with Nives Torresi 


During week 3 of the course, participants will


  • read research articles on learning English language skills via board games 

  • discuss board games in the YL classroom 

  • consider the benefits and challenges involved in using board games

  • create activities that involve board games



Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017) Action Songs with Charles Goodger 


During week 4, participants will


  • discuss theories of teaching and learning English language skills via action songs 

  • discuss action songs in the YLT classroom 

  • consider the benefits and challenges involved in using action songs

  • create activities that involve action songs



Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017) Creating Class Resources with Julie Pratten 


During week 5, participants will: 


  • Discuss the zero to low resource classroom
  • Develop a Maker Space on Padlet  
  •  Create resources using the following mixed materials for the EFL young learners' classroom:  
    • cardboard and boxes
    • yoghurt pots
    • tin cans
    • canes
    • old newspapers and magazines
    • old sheets or pieces of fabric
    • paper mache
    • string
    • rubber bands 
    • paints, paint brushes and coloured markers
    • thin rubber gloves
    • craft glue 
    • whatever bits and bobs you have


  • Showcase reflections of the EVO session using presentations and video tutorials on Padlet. 



Session Communication Tools


  • Moodle LMS 
  • WizIQ Virtual Class





Power Point presentations, Plotagon, Padlet, and video authoring tutorials using SlideSpeech and Screencast-o-matic to reflect and share.








Join this session



The action starts on Jan 8, 2017. 



To join this group:


From January 1st :



  1. Log in first and each time using one of the following services: Gmail, Facebook, or LinkedIn
  2. Enrol in Teaching EFL for Young Learners EVO 2017  




Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.


Name (last, first)

Email address

Location (country of residence)

Biodata (not more than 50 words)  


Deutsch, Nellie



Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D)(see Bio) is an EFL teacher and teacher trainer. She coaches teachers and admin on how to teach with and manage Moodle courses and websites. She's an instructional designer and facilitator of fully online and blended learning programs using Moodle, WizIQ, Adobe Connect, Congrea (on Moodle), ZOOM, Google drive, Sceencast--o-matic, Wikieducator, YouTube, Vimeo, Knovio, and active learning presentation tools that focus on teaching as a way to learn.


Torresi, Nives



Nives Torresi is a Teacher of English as a foreign language; English Drama; Business English, English Exam Preparation. Translates from Italian to English (specialization in Business Manuals, Historical archives, Medical papers), Interpreter, Mediator Business negotiations. Currently teaches online via interactive learning platforms for Business English courses and Language tutoring.



Charles Goodger



Charles Goodger is a composer, writer and teacher-trainer. Founder of the FunSongs Method of teaching English he is particularly interested in helping teacher to use creative forms of expression in the learning process: music, and mime, rhythm and rhyme. Charles loves the collective enjoyment of children singing, moving and performing in an entertainingly convincing way. 


Kacmaz (Pratten), Julie



Julie Pratten Kacmaz is a writer, and EFL teacher and teacher trainer, with three decades experience in teaching English as a Foreign Language. She has worked in over 25 countries, including Brazil, Germany, Lithuania and Paraguay. Nowadays, she lives in Turkey with her husband, two cats, two dogs and chickens.

Brodar, Susan rarotonga@libero.it Italy 

Susan was born in London and brought up bilingual English & Italian. Today she is a freelance English language teacher both online and face-to-face.  With over 38 years of teaching mainly English but also other languages, she has acquired experience in teaching a range of ages from preschool to adults, with obviously varying methods, including university undergraduates, postgraduates and teacher trainees. She also prepares students for a variety of certifications.


Passionate in teaching languages, she is constantly researching engaging ways of teaching all ages and believes in full-immersion.


She has her own blog and website: www.bilingualcommunications.weebly.com



Primary Contact: Nellie Deutsch


Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and  his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):


I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.



I, Nives Torresi, agree.


I, Nellie Deutsch, agree.


I, Julie Pratten, agree

I, Charles Goodger, agree.

I, Susan Brodar, agree.





Comments (5)

rarotonga@... said

at 8:56 am on Sep 3, 2016

I, Susan Brodar, agree.

Dr. Nellie Deutsch said

at 10:58 am on Sep 3, 2016

Susan, can you add this under Charles' name above?

sylviad@atlas.cz said

at 2:40 pm on Sep 5, 2016


sylviad@atlas.cz said

at 2:41 pm on Sep 5, 2016

I, Sylvie Dolakova, agree

Julie Pratten said

at 5:07 am on Sep 24, 2017

I, Julie Pratten, agree

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