

Page history last edited by Linda Gielen 8 years, 2 months ago


EVO Minecraft MOOC (EVOMC17)





This session will invite interested teachers to join us in playing Minecraft, learning all we can about playing alone and together, and how Minecraft is being used effectively in language learning. We'll learn by doing and from one another. We'll continue where we left off last year, 



Session Objectives


By the end of the session, participants will have:

  • explored and played with Minecraft

  • curated resources relevant to them relating to Minecraft

  • shared their discoveries and what they have accomplished with other participants

  • created spaces in Minecraft where desired learning outcomes can be promoted

  • learned to build and survive in Minecraft

Session participants will learn about Minecraft in the same way they would expect students to figure it out and adapt it to their own learning goals; that is, we will learn by playing and sharing what we discover. We will learn, as Joel Levin puts it, how to 'limit' the game; that is how to create spaces there where we can promote desired learning outcomes. We will point each other to resources (there are thousands of them, so we'll have to curate for one another). We can create YouTube channels for our work and create videos showing what we accomplish in Minecraft and how we might use the worlds we create with our students. We will learn from students and kids who join us, in a server space created just for us.




Target audience

Teachers with a gaming problem

Gamers with a teaching problem

Teachers of gamers with a learning problem





Weekly Content


Our 5-week syllabus is patterned on Dave Cormier’s 5 steps to success in MOOCs: orient, declare, network, cluster, focus, https://youtu.be/r8avYQ5ZqM0  



From screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/9ltyAlkAmz



Week 1   (Jan 8-14, 2017)


Orient - Participants come on board, figure out how this works, who we are, and why we are all here (we’ll all post to community spaces set up for this). Serious participants will have to invest $27 to stay in the game through to week 2 by purchasing Minecraft from http://minecraft.net. We’ll view tutorials to learn the basics, meet in world in creative mode to help each other learn and practice.



Week 2  (Jan 15-21, 2017)


Declare - Still with us? Start your blog or wiki and share your experiences with Minecraft, what you’ve learned so far, and how you intend to learn more. Tag your posts (relevant to this session) #evomc17

We’ll meet in-world where we can speak to each other using a separate online voice tool and start crafting in creative mode. We’ll learn how to create artifacts and experiment with YouTube videos from screen-captured Minecraft activities.



Week 3   (Jan 22-28, 2017)


Network - Meet in Minecraft and learn how to work with one another. Participants continue to blog and share builds and resources, and YouTube video embeds with one another.

Those interested can learn how to set up their own servers. Wherever you play, you’ll need friends online to help sustain you in survival mode. Will you be ready for it?



Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)


Cluster - Identify others in the MOOC with like goals and start working in subgroups within the MOOC. You’ll have to collaborate in order to stay alive in survival mode! Participants continue to blog and share builds and YouTube video embeds with one another, and more importantly, help each other out in-world.



Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017)


Focus - Participants share plans for carrying the work started here beyond the current EVO session and MOOC. We may have to mount a search party and dig deep if anyone gets lost in pursuit of the Enderdragon. Participants will hold an end-of-session showcase event hosted by http://learning2gether.pbworks.com


Session Communication Tools




Potential Sponsors




Join this session


  1. Go to: Google+ EVO Minecraft MOOC Community https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/112993649763396826671

  2. Join this Community

  3. Follow instructions you find there



The action starts on Jan 8, 2017.


To join this group:  


From January 1st:


  1. Go to: 
  2. Click on "Join this Group". 
  3. Wait for your membership approval.  


Please use a real name identity. We are colleagues who wish to form a learning community of peers and others interested in participating through credible identities. We will not accept participants who anonymize their user names.







Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.


Name (last, first)

Email address

Location (country of residence)

Biodata (not more than 50 words)  

Bard, Rose rosebard@gmail.com Brazil
Rose Bard has been an EFL teacher since 1998. She's an iTDi Mentor/Blogger. She blogs also at ELT Diary. She's an EDUGamer and enthusiastic player of Minecraft. She's been exploring authentic games and learning to adapt/design games.

Gielen, Linda


San Antonio, TX USA

Linda Gielen is a Technology Facilitator and Advanced Computer Topics teacher at a private all-boys private school.  She has been working with MinecraftEdu since November 2011, where it is incorporated into the 6th grade Computer class curriculum to teach coding and in the 7th grade English curriculum for a creative writing project.


Irvin, Glen glenirvin@gmail.com Wabasha, MN USA Glen Irvin taught Spanish for the past 13 years at Wabasha-Kellogg High School. He is currently creating a MMRPG in MinecraftEdu where students can practice and grow in their Spanish language skills.

Jędryczko, Anna

ajedryczko@gmail.com  Poland  Anna is a teacher of Polish, programming and robotics at primary school. Enthusiast of mixing humanities with new technology. Her aim is to foster development of creativity and cooperation between her students. Anna loves Minecraft and believes in its great educational power.   

Kuhn, Jeff



Jeff Kuhn is a PhD candidate at Ohio University where he is researching games and learning. An avid Minecraft player, Jeff has worked with teachers on using games in the classroom in the U.S., Peru, Brazil, and Venezuela.


Ogorek, Robert

robogorek@gmail.com  Spain  Robert has been an EFL teacher for 10 years and technology has always been present in his classes. He's currently working on an educational project for teaching English with Minecraft.  
Patrascu, Mircea
mircea.patrascu@gmail.com  Romania 

Mircea Patrascu is an IT professional teaching kids to code during his free time.

He loves to play Minecraft, but he also uses it as a learning environment for Scratch and JavaScript.

Schwartz, Aaron
aschwar@gmail.com  United States  Aaron Schwartz teaches ESL courses as well as public speaking, writing and rhetoric, and computer assisted language learning (CALL) at Ohio University. He's a former chair of TESOL's CALL-IS, where he has been quite active with the Electronic Village.  He was a moderator for the Minecraft MOOC in 2016 and runs an EVO Minecraft Server.  

Smolcec, Filip

email confidential


Filip Smolcec is a middle school student, Minecraft expert and a Youtuber, interested in gaming and creating videos. The youngest EVO moderator in 2015 and a co-author of TESL-EJ article Minecraft and Language Learning.

Smolcec, Marijana msmolcec@gmail.com  Croatia  Marijana has been an EFL teacher for 15 years at Gimnazija Bernardina Frankopana.  She is a proud Webhead and has been involved in EVO  since 2011, eTwinninggroup moderator, project coordinator, avid user of web 2.0 tools,co-author of TESL-EJ article Minecraft and Language Learning, passionate about teaching Edtech, a mom, and a wife.   
Stevens, Vance vancestev@gmail.com UAE Vance Stevens is an EFL teacher in Al Ain, founder of Webheads in Action, He is an EVO coordinator (since 2002), founder of the podcast series Learning2gether, and On the Internet editor for TESL-EJ where he and co-moderators once co-authored an article on Minecraft and Language Learning. 



Primary Contact: vancestev@gmail.com


Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and  his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):


I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.


I agree, Vance Stevens

I agree, Jeff Kuhn

I agree, Rose Bard

I agree, Glen Irvin

I agree, Mircea Patrascu 

I agree, Marijana Smolcec

I agree, Filip Smolcec

I agree, Robert Ogorek

I agree, Anna Jedryczko

I agree, Linda Gielen









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