QR Codes are everywhere and they are all in “action” but have you thought about using them with your students?As teachers we need to start to think outside the box and start using them in our classes in new and creative ways. Therefore,we will be looking at different methods to create and use them in class in a fun way. This session hopefully will inspire everyone about these magical codes and add another string to your professional bow. So join us to combine ease, speed and creativity to enrich your lessons.
Session Objectives
At the end of the 5 weeks, participants, collaboratively and hands on, will have...
created a variety of QR codes, e.g. audio recordings, MP4s, articles, business cards etc.
interacted through QR Codes
created materials, treasure and scavenger hunt games related to their own contexts using QR codes
updated the session materials using QR codes
reflected on different ways of applying QR codes to their teaching.
Target audience
EFL / ESL teachers and educators with little or no experience in teaching with QR codes. More experienced teachers and educators can also join so that they can share their own experiences and learn from the participants.
Weekly Content
Week 1 (Jan 8-14, 2017)
Getting to know each other and the QR Codes. Introductions
In this first week, participants will become familiar with the QR codes, introduce themselves and get to know each other using a Padlet . They will post their biographical information and pictures to the Padlet. In addition to this, participants will watch a short video on the background of QR codes and take a mini quiz afterwards. They will also explore the desktop, mobile and tablet apps for QR codes and share their reflections in discussions.
Week 2 (Jan 15-21, 2017)
QR Code creation 1:
In the second week of the session participants will explore the ways of creating QR codes from a web page. To do this, they will visit a web page to create the QR code for the website and learn how to copy and paste it into a document that can be shared with the learners. The participants will discuss ways of using such materials in class and share their QR codes or the documents in the discussions or on the Padlet wall.
Week 3 (Jan 22-28, 2017)
QR Code creation 2 and some practical classroom uses:
In the third week we will have a look at different ways of creating QR codes of photos, pictures, audio recordings or other documents. We will also explore Google Docs and Google Drive that will be used while creating QR codes. The benefits & various uses of such documents with QR codes will be discussed and sample materials will be shared with the participants. The participants will be able to share their QR codes with other participants.
Week 4 (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)
Treasure Hunt Game using QR Codes
In the fourth week, participants will learn how to create their own interactive treasure hunt/scavenger hunt/QR challenge exercises for the classroom using QR codes. Samples and ideas will be shared with the participants. Then, they will be asked to share their ideas on how to use them in class on the Padlet wall. Their creations will be shared on the Padlet wall and they will have access to it even after the session finishes.
Week 5 (Feb 5-11, 2017)
Exchanging Business Card QR codes & wrap-up.
During the last week, participants will be able to create their own business cards by creating QR codes that can be used as their email signature and they will have an opportunity to exchange their cards in order to find future partners and develop collaborative projects between classes. By the end of this final week, participants will share their reflections on QR codes, complete the EVO final survey and join the “Graduation ceremony".
Session Communication Tools
QR CODES IN ACTION : https://moodle4teachers.org/course/view.php?id=135
Padlets (via Moodle)
Blendspace (via Moodle)
WizIQ (via Moodle)
Potential Sponsors
Join this session
The action starts on Jan 8, 2017.
Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.
Name (last, first)
Email address
Location (country of residence)
Biodata (not more than 50 words)
Picture |
Dr. Deutsch, Nellie
Dr. Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D) is an education technology relationship-based mentor to educators worldwide. She’s faculty at Atlantic University and on EDMedia executive committee Nellie has been teaching English in high school and at the college level for over 35 years and integrating technology into face-to-face programs since 1992. She organizes free online events such as Moodle & Second Life MOOCs, online conferences (Connecting Online and Moodle MOOTs), Blog Festivals, EFLtalks for free. She is passionate about using technologies such as Moodle, WizIQ, Knovio, PresentMe, Slidespeech, Screencast-o-matic, and google drive to promote active learning and teaching as a way to learn.
Ozgirin, Nezaket
Nezaket Ö. did her MA and RSA/DOTE at Bilkent University. She is currently teaching at Sabancı university, Turkey. She has been interested in ‘motivation’ the use of ‘podcasts and e-documentaries’ in ELT and ways of improving and sharing digital skills to adjust to 21st Century teaching job.
Taskin Simsek, Sibel
Sibel Taskin Simsek is actively involved as a member of the Online Learning Support Project and Webinar teams at the School of Languages, Sabanci University, Istanbul, TURKEY. She has professional certificates including "Teaching English with Technology” offered by The Consultants-E. Her interests include technology integration into teaching, MOOCs, learner development and motivation. Her blog songstoteachenglish has recently won the Edublog Awards 2014 “Best Educational Use of Media”.
Simpson, Adam
Adam Simpson (DELTA-MEd in TESOL) has been living and teaching in İstanbul, Turkey for fifteen years in tertiary level education. His professional interests include Dogme ELT, descriptive rather than prescriptive curriculum development, and the considered use of technology in language teaching. He regularly speaks at conferences and is the author of a multi-award winning blog: Teach them English.
Primary Contact: Sibel Taskin Simsek
Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):
I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.
I agree- Sibel Taskin Simsek
I agree - Nellie Deutsch
I agree- Adam Simpson
I agree- Nezaket Ozgirin
Comments (4)
Sibel said
at 1:18 am on Sep 2, 2016
I agree- Sibel Taskin Simsek
Dr. Nellie Deutsch said
at 1:26 am on Sep 2, 2016
Sibel, can you add it to the top under mine?
Sibel said
at 12:41 am on Sep 3, 2016
Adam said
at 2:18 pm on Sep 5, 2016
You don't have permission to comment on this page.