

Page history last edited by Helena Galani 8 years, 2 months ago



Virtual Language Learning and Gaming Environments




This EVO session focuses on applying games in virtual teaching – using ideas from f2f (face to face) and transferring them to virtual language learning. We aim to create new games in virtual worlds using the affordances these immersive environments have to offer and are making machinima (videos) to demonstrate how the games work.


We learn to build, texture and script our games for fun in language learning.


Additionally we will do tours to Learnit Town, Virtlantis, Edmondo and other virtual language learning sims. 


Session Objectives


By the end of this session you should:


  • Be able to design and create language games in Second Life

  • Create objects using images, sound and script

  • Create single-user games and multi-user games

  • Create engaging learning environments and global simulations


Target audience

This session is aimed at experienced language educators, language course designers, and webheads.  Those without experience in Second Life are required to independently learn the basics of Second Life by watching a set of videos and conducting some simple tasks in-world. We will provide a link to a familiarization program of 2-3 hours.  



Weekly Content


Christel Schneider will be undertaking surveys and interviews with participants to get feedback. 

Heike Philp will be present throughout.


Week 1   (Jan 8-14, 2017)


Your first boardgame!


Moderator: Ann Nowak, Panagiotis Mourtzis, Jens Olsen


During the first session you will learn how to add images to a board and will learn how to create a dice.


At the end of the first week, we ask you to present your first boardgame to the group and explain how the games work. Where possible we want to record your explanations of the game and create a short machinima with the rules.


Those with little knowledge of Second Life are asked to learn some of the basics of Second Life using the following set of training videos created by Carol Rainbow.



Week 2  (Jan 15-21, 2017)


Building with sounds and scripts


Moderator: Carol Rainbow, Nuno Lanca, Dennis Newson


Learn to create speaking posterboards, magnetic poetry, sound objects, touch items, touch to give notecard scripts.


Week 3   (Jan 22-28, 2017)


Treasure hunts, scavenger hunts and maizes


Moderator: Shelwyn Corrigan, Kip Boahn, Helen Myers


Make the city or the woods your playground.


Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)


Advanced building


Moderator: Randall Sadler, Nick Zwart and Hazel Workman


During this intensive building workshop we will learn how to adjust our objects settings for permissions and physics, we will texture and learn to import 3D objects into SL.

Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017)


Language Learning Activities, Interactive Games, Immersive Scenarios


Moderator:  Helena Galani, Dr. Edith Paillat, Dr. Doris Molero



Session Communication Tools





Potential Sponsors




Join this session




The action starts on Jan 8, 2017.




To join this group please join our facebook group. If you do not have a facebook account please email Heike Philp, email below.


From January 1st:


  1. Go to:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/evovillage/
  2. Click on "Join this Group". 
  3. Wait for your membership approval.  






Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.



(last, first)

Email address

Location (country of residence)

Biodata (not more than 50 words)  


Dr. Randall Sadler






Randall Sadler [aka Randall Renoir] is Associate professor at  Illinois University, head of the Virtual Worlds SIG of CALICO, and a book author on language learning in virtual worlds and telecollaboration. He is a TESOL member and co-owner of EduNation islands in Second Life. ‘Virtual Worlds for Language Learning: From Theory to Practice (Telecollaboration in Education)’, Randall Sadler, published by Peter Lang AG, Switzerland.



Heike Philp 





Belgium/ Germany

Heike Philp [Gwen Gwasi] is CEO of let's talk online sprl, a technology support provider for language learning and events in real-time. She is co-initiator of EU funded LANCELOT (virtual classroom) and AVALON (virtual world) and the CAMELOT project (machinima for language teachers). She is founder of the Virtual Round Table Conference and co-owns EduNation in Second Life. 

Christel Schneider chris.schneider@csitrain.net Germany

Christel Schneider [Letty Pienaar] Dipl.-Päd. is the managing director and founder of CSiTrain (www.csitrain.net), an international Network and Service provider with focus on eLearning and Teacher Training. She holds a Master in Virtual Education by the University of the West of England. 

Christel Schneider worked as a research assistant for the CAMELOT Project at the University of 

Central Lancashire until November 2015 and has been involved as project manager in numerous EU 

funded projects over the past ten years. Prior to this she was managing director and EU project 

manager for ICC, the international language association and a visiting lecturer at Hamburg University. 


Dennis Newson







Dennis Newson [Osnacantab Nesterov] M.A. (Cantab), P.D.E.S.L (Leeds), taught EFL in Africa, Arabia, Norway, and Germany in middle schools, secondary schools, teacher training colleges, a technical university, and an arts university. He was consultant for short periods in Bosnia and Kosovo, and conferences have taken him to Poland, Hungary, Las Palmas, Russia, and England. He has developed his interest in SL since his alleged retirement.   In Second Life he is known as Osnacantab Nesterov.  


Edith Paillat





New Zealand  Edith Paillat [Cyber Placebo] started her career in languages as a teacher of French FL and teacher trainer in Japan after completing her Master’s French FL and PGCE. She then moved to New Zealand to work at Victoria University of Wellington as the language technology specialist. Her special intere sts revolve around global simulations for immersive language learning and  natural language processing.    

Shelwyn Corrigan



shelwyn@shelwyn.com  USA  Shelwyn Corrigan [Wynshel Heir] has a Master's in Linguistics, a Master's in Digital Media & Learning, and certification in Multimedia Studies. She has worked in digital design since 1994. In addition, she has taught ESL and EFL in Europe and South America and at universities in California and New York. She is a media consultant and web designer and teaches graduate courses at the University of San Francisco (USF) since 2001. She runs her own language school LearnIT Town in Second Life.   

Ann Nowak



nawok@yahoo.de  Germany  Ann Nowak [Ann von Rhein] has a Master's in Linguistics, certification in Blended Learning, ICT in the classroom, mLearning and Digital Games in ELT. She has more than 20 years teaching experience at companies, secondary school, technical college, university and technical university in Germany. Ann  was a moderator at Machinevo 2015 and EVO Village 2016, she has done teacher training in Edmondo, building environments and creating adventure activities in SL and Kitely / Edutopia. 


Helena Galani



helenagalani2010@gmail.com  Greece 

Helena Galani  [ErlinaAzure]

holds an RSA Diploma, M.A. ELT (Applied Linguistics for Teacher Education purposes), and certification in teacher training and advanced ICT skills. She is a formal assessor and qualified educator implementing CALL for more than 25 years with EFL schools and Adult Education Centre in Greece, on UK University EAP courses or as private tutor. As EduNation resident, CAMELOT Award winner 2015 and EVO ViLLAGE moderator 2016, Helena supports the educational functionality of machinima and tasks in SL environment.



Jens Kjaer Olsen


Jens Kjaer Olsen [Jens Nerido] is a Danish Teacher and holds a Bachelor's of Education and Ed/ICT-adviser. He has been an educator for more than 20 years as a ESL Teacher and Filmmaking Teacher. Currently he works as an ICT Consultant at Real Dream, World wide virtual learning.  After participating in the EU Avatar project he stayed on in SL networking at EduNation.  He transferred his love for filmmaking in RL to Machinima making in SL. 

Doris Molero



doris3m@gmail.com  Argentina Dr. Doris Molero [Pionia Destiny] is an EFL Professor from Rafael Belloso Chacin University (URBE) in Maracaibo, Venezuela. She is a doctor of Sciences in Education, specializing in curriculum and instruction. She holds a masters degree in Educational Informatics.  She has been a moderator , presenter, helper and fan enamorada of EVO Village since its beginning and a Webhead since 2002  Currently working on course designing for the Diplomado Internacional  for Universidad Señor de Sipan in Perú.http://pioniadestiny.blogspot.com/   

Helen Myers



helen@djblow.fsnet.co.uk  UK  Helen Myers [Karelia Kondor] is a teacher of French and a manager at a large UK secondary school and chair of the London branch of ALL (Association of Language Learning) and its former president.  She is an active member of the MachinEVO group, SLexperiements and a longstanding EduNation resident and she is helping to set up a private SL island for teenagers with SEGfL and the British Computer Society. Her blogcontains information about her SL activities, which include weekly English pronunciation classes open to all.  For examples of her video work, go to her YouTube channel.   

Hazel Workman 



hazelworkman@outlook.com  UK 

Hazel Workman [Hazel Zapedzki] has twenty years of experience in the traditional animation industry, ten years experience of budget 3D animation work and five years experience of creating machinima.  She has an Art 'A' level




Nuno Lanca



nunoamlanca@gmail.com  Portugal 


Nuno Lanca [Nuno ]is high-school teacher with twenty years of experience in Portuguese public schools, with a degree in Biochemistry and a specialization for teaching Chemistry and Physics to all levels. 



Nick Zwart



nick@3dles.com  The Netherlands  Nick Zwart is founder of 3DLES, specialized in education in virtual worlds like Second Life and OpenSimulator. He is a teacher, innovator, an in-world builder and scripter, hosts several educational OpenSim grids on dedicated servers and manages several VW projects for institutes around Europe.   

Panagiotis Mourtzis


pgmourtzis@gmail.com  Greece/ US  Panagiotis Mourtzis is the Academic Coordinator of Bussiness English(online course) at the Lifelong Learning Centre at the Universtity of Patras.He  has been teaching and examining English for more than sixteen years.He has taught both in a classroom setting and online.Panagiotis has  taught students from all over the world including: Korea, Japan, Russian, Ukraine, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peurto Rico, Greece,Hong Kong, Taiwan.He is currently developing online ESL courses for private schools.   

Kip Boahn



kip@virtlantis.com  Austria  Kip Boahn [Kip Yellowjacket] is founder of Virtlantis, a language learning community in Second Life, one of the oldest and most active communities since 2006. The activities are open to the public and free of charge. He is the owner of Oxford School for English in Austria and Germany.     


Primary Contact:


Statement of commitment: Each moderator and co-moderator should request access to this wiki. Once access is granted, each moderator should type the words "I agree" and  his/her name to show understanding of and acceptance of the following statement (***No one should sign the statement of commitment for another person.***):


I understand that session moderators are required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016. The EVO session will be offered between January 8 and February 12, 2017. I understand that EVO sessions are free of advertising and no commercial sponsorship is allowed. Finally, I understand that EVO sessions are free and open to all, and that no academic credit may be given for participation.


Heike Philp - I agree

Helena Galani - I agree

Nuno Lanca - I agree

Jens Kjaer Olsen - I agree

Hazel Workman - I agree

Randall Sadler - I agree vociferously 

Doris Molero - I agree

Kip Boahn (aka Kip Yellowjacket): As I am unable to commit to the following (required to participate in the 4-week moderators' training session from October 16 until November 13, 2016) due to work constraints, I am afraid I cannot 'agree'. I'll follow this up with Heike shortly. 

Dennis Newson - I agree














Comments (9)

Nick Zwart said

at 8:18 am on Aug 30, 2016

I agree - Nick Zwart

Nowak said

at 4:39 pm on Aug 30, 2016

I agree

Helena Galani said

at 4:50 pm on Sep 1, 2016

I agree - Helena Galani

Christel Schneider said

at 12:49 pm on Sep 4, 2016

I agree - Christel Schneider


at 1:36 pm on Sep 4, 2016


Hazel Workman said

at 5:45 pm on Sep 4, 2016

I agree

jens olsen said

at 11:19 am on Sep 6, 2016

Jens Kjaer Olsen said

jens olsen said

at 11:20 am on Sep 6, 2016

I agree - Jens Kjaer Olsen

doris3m@... said

at 1:39 pm on Sep 9, 2016

I agree

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